CH-QUAT Jahrestagung 2022
From Cave Exploration to Science – The Karst Record
The CH-Quat Meeting 2022 in Bern was dedicated to the Quaternary Karst records. Karst is a wide-spread feature in Alps and provides a unique record of the paleo-environment reaching back hundreds of thousands of years. The invited speakers covered a broad range of fascinating topics from cave exploration (M.-J. Gilbert), cave genesis (Ph. Häuselmann), research on Alpine speleothems (Ch. Spötl), cave fauna (M. Blant), cave archeology (Th. Sterenberger) to engineering challenges and solutions related to karst (P.-Y. Jeannin). Additional, high-quality posters from the full range of the Quaternary research spectrum showed the transdisciplinary role of CH-Quat community.
The first in-person annual meeting after the pandemic was an inspiring event and (re-)connected Quaternary researchers across all disciplines.