Membre de la SCNAT

La CH-QUAT se conçoit comme une interface pour les scientifiques issus de domaines de recherche et de pratique variés, qui traitent du Quaternaire et plus particulièrement des aspects homme, environnement et climat.en plus

Image : NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonen plus

A new culture of failure in North-South research partnerships

Brilliant failure – at first this sounds more like a contradiction than a productive way of dealing with difficulties. Yet, a synthesis project from the r4d programme turned it into an innovative concept with regard to North-South research partnerships. The result is a film that is as entertaining as it is inspiring.

Brilliant Failures

The half-hour film “Brilliant Failure in International Partnerships” consists of three chapters, which are published as individual 8 to 10-minute videos on Youtube. They consist of video footage, recordings of zoom interviews and drawn animations and can be watched individually or as a group.

Brilliant Failure in International Partnerships - Trailer
Brilliant Failures Chapter 1: What is Failure?
Brilliant Failure Chapter 2: Knowledge Management, Success and Leadership
Brilliant Failure Chapter 3: Partner Selection

