Member of SCNAT

CH-QUAT represents a connection point for scientists from different research and applied areas that deal with the Quaternary in particular examining the aspects of human, environment and climate.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore

CH-QUAT Annual Meeting 2025

Extreme events


Institut für Geologie
Universität Bern

Meeting place

Institute of Geological Sciences, Baltzerstrasse 3, CH-3012 Bern

"Extreme events" encompasses the diverse research of the impacts of rapid changes such as climate shifts, fire events, rock falls etc and their significance in Quaternary history.

CH_QUATannual meeting 2025: extreme events
Image: S. Camara

Keynote speakers: will be announced soon

Poster session: We organize a poster session open to any topic related to Quaternary Research.

Please bring your poster in the format A0 portrait.

Poster award for the best poster presentation by young researchers.


Languages: English