Call for nominations: Prix de Quervain for High Altitude Research
With the Prix de Quervain, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, through their Commissions for Polar and High Altitude Research (SCPH) and of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch (SKHFJ), are committed to support early career researchers in the fields of polar and high altitude research. The prize is awarded annually, alternating between these fields. In years focused on high altitude research, the award is additionally supported by the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research.
Immagine: SKPHSGHL Poster Award 2024 für die zwei besten Poster-Präsentationen
Wyndel Sanoza (PhD Studentin, Universität Lausanne) mit dem Beitrag «Can we use green lidar drones to detect zooplankton?» und Ronny Figueroa (PhD Student, Universität Neuchâtel) mit dem Beitrag «Impacts of stress-dependent hydraulic properties on groundwater flow» wurden am Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2024 mit dem SGHL Poster Award 2024 ausgezeichnet. Herzliche Gratulation!
Immagine: Edith OosenbrugHow the microstructure of snow in the Arctic influences sea ice and the global climate
Amy R. Macfarlane will be awarded the Prix de Quervain 2024 for her excellent and innovative doctoral dissertation at the ETH Zurich and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF. Her research serves as a base to reduce major uncertainties on sea ice modelling and to improve the quality of global climate models predictions. For this, she applied a wide variety of instruments to measure the microstructure of snow in high resolution directly in the Arctic for the first time.
Immagine: Calle SchöningGeoAgenda No. 4/2023
Climate Crisis and Geographers for Future
Immagine: ASGCall for proposals: Prix de Quervain 2024 for polar research
The Prix de Quervain 2024 will be awarded for work on topics relating to the two polar regions. Eligible to participate are young researchers with a master's or doctoral degree from the last 24 months or their master's, dissertation or postdoctoral work at a research institution in Switzerland. The evaluation will assess the scientific significance, creativity/originality, implementation in science and practice, and presentation, taking into account the different levels and academic ages of the applicants.